Friday, 7 October 2016

Society! Society! Society!

Society! Society! Society! What society does we individuals?

'There is no such thing as Society' said Margaret Thatcher who culled the Miners (because they were not environmentally friendly), killed off manufacturing and the Belgrano then imposed a Poll Tax on individuals. Don't let that argument fool you she was played by Meryl Streep in a film, appeared in a Bond movie and her clothes were in the V&A. She was infamous once, twice..three times the Iron Lady.

'I want to create a Classless Society' said John Major. Thinking If only we could run the economy as well as he won the first Gulf War we'll leave the ERM and forget the troubles in Bosnia. Don't let that argument fool you, he liked his eggs hardboiled and was only the Chancellor of the Exchequer before becoming PM. (Sets trending now don't it)

'Britain is a compassionate Society' said Tony Blair who brokered the Good Friday agreement, had a tendency to go to War often even if it was a bit dodgy. Was kind of religious, a Europhile, had a huge ego, was a bit vain but don't let that argument fool you. He was only a barrister after all. (He may yet make a comeback to clear his name - he'll forever say he won a second term)

'Seize the moment and lets build a Global Society' said Gordon Brown who sorted out the global banking crisis for a bit at the G20 (after spending like heck as Chancellor), oversaw the UK delaying tactics in the 'five tests' before any initiative to join the Euro. Wanted to help the poor of the country until he called someone a bigot. But don't let that fool you he argued for the Scots Union in 2014 and he don't take a PM pension unlike TB.

'I aim to build an Inclusive Big Society' said David Cameron after dragging the Liberals along announcing many cuts to public services, selling off London property to Russian Oligarchs, Britain to China, making Libya a safe haven for Daesh & arrogantly heading toward a Brexit. Don't let that argument fool you he was Eton educated and also a millionaire. Modern day selfie anyone?

'Our Society should work for everyone' said Theresa May. Announcing plans for us to buy shares in ourselves so that society reaps the dividends. Profits r' us...end of austerity but not the debt to society. But don't let misuses of migrants as bargaining chips with no means tested parochial argument fool you. She has great taste in footwear so were in safe hands.

March hare triggers article 50 ready for April fools day
As Italy's banks collapse and Germany can't bail anyone out May rolls up her sleeves and floors Junker...a bit like the 'hand bags at dawn' KO with UKIP MEP's.

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