Saturday, 12 April 2014

W1A : Episode 1 The Core of Value is way way way deep in solid rock mostly

Heads up it's a Splinter group

And we zoom over to W1A on a fold up bush pike during a BBC heads up in a zone of Tea brunch

Ian Fletcher: Values?!

Simon Harwood: It's a valve open and closed

Ian Fletcher: Right.

Tracey Pritchard: It's very the Welsh

David Wilkes: ACDC swing both ways it's worth more to double up

Ian Fletcher: Is it an April fool?

Tracey Pritchard: Yes. That's Bush picking up Aprils brush on TV

David Wilkes: Where everyone's at sex they are so into their oils, unbelievable for gunslingers

Tracey Pritchard: You mean Texas..

Ian Fletcher: Does every word have to be cryptic?

Tracey Pritchard: That's exactly what Said said drinking port in a Turkish bath viewing the Syriana film

Simon Harwood: Thought provoking isn't it? Those high and mighty powers that be...

Ian Fletcher: Okay, but foreign powers are not my speciality

Tracey Pritchard: You know W1A is one big BBC promo

Ian Fletcher : Right. Yes I think that's a truism

Simon Harwood: And Salford

David Wilkes: That's PC architecture for Blue Peter?

Tracey Pritchard: In Madchester

Ian Fletcher: Mmm..not sure where this is going

Lucy Freeman: The Hacienda is closed

David Wilkes: It's more MidChester now

Ian Fletcher: Do enlighten me

Tracey Pritchard: They drink red wine but I prefer Lovage does the job proper..for me

Simon Harwood: Instead of downing an E

Ian Fletcher: Yes go on

David Wilkes: e-males were all the rage in the 80's and 90's

Ian Fletcher: Oh hello..

Siobhan Sharpe enters from another round of spaced out...pronounced shiv-horn and not shevron I am into dyslexic..thats chevron as in not cheeky

Siobhan Sharpe: Hi guys

Ian Fletcher: Siobhan got any takers on why the beeb is into core promotion?

Siobhan Sharpe: Like I mean okay you guys they are the bees knees and extremely celtic.

Simon Harwood: The Corrs are Irish no worries there. Bound to have good promoters lets get them on

Ian Fletcher: but core promotion is it ingrained or going..well, deep?

Siobhan Sharpe: Over use of the word fracking...get over it you guys  

Ian Fletcher: Yes Siobhan can you be more specific?

Siobhan Sharpe: Sure okay get this Salford is like up North where it's alot greyer?

Ian Fletcher: Correct. Thank you were getting somewhere and we are promoting core values

Simon Harwood: Of the north. Beautiful isn't it strategy of London's high rents for the Chinese

Siobhan Sharper: Big trouble in little China..

David wilkes: she's my little china girl. I love Bowie he's danger

Tracey Pritchard: oh baby just shut your mouth..bloody ridiculous lyrics. Can't see it myself

David Wilkes: Maybe the north does have value? It could you know? Could well be..

Ian Fletcher: By god it needs it under the conservatives

Tracey Pritchard: It's a coalition..? Well that's news to me, how silly can you get

Ian Fletcher: Very silly. Yes

Siobhan Sharpe: Coalition of the unwilling when you mix yellow and blue you get green..

David Wilkes: Amazing you're amazing! I love that colour but what does it mean?

Siobhan Sharpe: I'm colour blind

Ian Fletcher: No takers for altruism then..

Tracey Pritchard: The grass is greener on the other side...

Ian Fletcher: ..ITV?

Tracey Pritchard: That's Downton Abbey for you

Ian Fletcher: Which explains alot..

Siobhan Sharpe: Liberal viewing l.i.b.e.r.a.l stab in the back party oh yay oh yay oh yay

Simon Harwood: Where are they..? It's all so mysterious isn't it?

Tracey Pritchard: Gone swimming in the yellow river most likely

David Wilkes: The Yangtze?

Siobhan Sharpe: Tory Hoyti toyti on your knees to the communist chinese please please sell me now

Lucy Freeman: No it's Huang He

Ian Fletcher: That's an ocean or sky..? Sorry I'm not good with puzzles or rivers of speech

Simon Harwood: What's the story morning glory...just trying to help pull things along

Ian Fletcher: In a nut shell?

Tracey Pritchard: Ooh look nobby's nuts it's on the menu

Ian Fletcher: So it is

David Wilkes: I love Noddy Holder he's from the Quo

Ian Fletcher: No. Oh, ok. Yes....I'll have a packet of those

Tracey Pritchard: He was in Slade wasn't he?

Siobhan Sharpe: Noddy, the little man in the red and yellow car

Ian Fletcher: Ah yes, mascots. I'm assuming communist liberals..

Siobhan Sharpe: Get in there Mr Bluetooth

Simon Harwood: People love the status quo

Lucy Freeman: No they don't it keeps changing..and we have to stay one step ahead of the game

David Wilkes: Don't the Quo have the original line up now? And they appeal to the masses...

Tracey Pritchard: Of unemployed

Siobhan Sharpe: And the tories go..we like it, we like it, we lalalala like it, ere we goo-oh emptying our pockets all over the world...

Ian Fletcher: Is this going anywhere? I'm not sure if this is needing to actually travel anywhere

Simon Harwood: Big train bills though..very big I hope you have a deep pocket. No travel allowance. Cut backs..awful business

Ian Fletcher: Yes you're right. Recession..quite dig deep. And the beeb?

Siobhan Sharpe: Is like you know way down south get over it we are on the edge people

Ian Fletcher: Quite..I do know a little geography Siobhan

David Wilkes: Way way down south..near the estuary in fact. I love the sea but not when it's cold

Ian Fletcher: So we've just created more travel expenses instead of M25 centalisation

Siobhan Sharpe: Like yeah duh obvious next question

David Wilkes: Isn't it so's a roll over literally every week. I'm doing Thunderball

Ian Fletcher: Different set of circumstances there I think but gambling in a recession I take your point

Simon Harwood: You know you should join the GCHQ they would love candidates like you

Siobhan Sharpe: Like go for it. It's rope-a-dope time!

Ian Fletcher : But I'm no good at foreign dealings

Simon Harwood : Shame plus points though good cv don't drone on though keep them in your sights

Siobhan Sharpe: A new hit. The core of the War Office!

Ian Fletcher: Cause and effect?

Siobhan Sharpe:  Lets do this. Lets drive to Russia together..again only this time in Crimea

Tracey Pritchard: Can't you sign on?

Ian Fletcher: Oh Balderdash!

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