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The future is Burgundy |
Champ: Hey Ron. Do you know people send e-mails now instead of talking on the phone
Ron: Nope!
Fantana: Like now, nobody has time to talk
Ron: I like talking to people...It's in my blood. You hear. I like to look 'em in the eyes. And
I like to know who's on the other end of the line too.
I like to know who's on the other end of the line too.
Fantana: I hear you?!
Champ: I mean were busy right. That's why were on the internet right now
Ron: What, I'm on the internet right now?! I DON'T believe you!
Champ: I mean were busy right. That's why were on the internet right now
Ron: What, I'm on the internet right now?! I DON'T believe you!
Champ: Yep on the internet mostly...
Ron: Can you give me a percentage on that?
Fantana: You know 70% of the time it works everytime...
Brick: Depends on your bandwidth broadban-dedn-esss-ess-ses-es. So-rry g-ett-in s t- -uck in - th fib re op tri ck -s...
Fantana: He always gets bad static on a weather beaten day
Champ: Yeah, I love manual re-tuning it's so much easier and quicker
Ron: I think you do love manual too
Fantana: 'Emmanuelle 2' I loved that!
Brick: Loud noises!
Ron: Can you give me a percentage on that?
Fantana: You know 70% of the time it works everytime...
Brick: Depends on your bandwidth broadban-dedn-esss-ess-ses-es. So-rry g-ett-in s t- -uck in - th fib re op tri ck -s...
Fantana: He always gets bad static on a weather beaten day
Champ: Yeah, I love manual re-tuning it's so much easier and quicker
Ron: I think you do love manual too
Fantana: 'Emmanuelle 2' I loved that!
Brick: Loud noises!
Ron: When I pick up the phone I know it works! Hey, remind me, who invented the...'Telephone'
Fantana: Alexander Graham-Bell... another Brit
Ron: And another double-barrelled name eh...
Champ: Yeah. Wasn't he Scottish?
Fantana: Still is...get with it
Ron: Glenlivet!! I love scotch, scotch, scotch see I'm drinking it on the internet too!
Fantana: Still is...get with it
Ron: Glenlivet!! I love scotch, scotch, scotch see I'm drinking it on the internet too!
Veronica: Actually. Antonio Meucci has the credit for inventing the telephone, he called it the teletrophone
Fantana: Italian, that's poor?
Ron: Yeah and differenter. The spellings not even the same.
Champ: Are you sure you read that right?
Veronica: Sure, I can read. I read it on the internet
Champ: Man. Don't believe everything you read between the lines on the net
Fantana: I prefer the Brits name anyday
Ron: Yeah. Alexander Graham-Bell...has a kind of ring to it
Champ: Whammy!
Champ: Whammy!
Fantana: Listen. Electronic mails are like electronic telegrams you know, a screen pager of sorts
Ron: Oh, I get it. Instant Telegrams...they should call them Insta-gram's for short!
Champ: Just think of it like a messaging service
Fantana: Like leaving messages on an ansaphone
Ron: Can you send messages to yourself?
Fantana: Course. But why would you want to do that?
Ron: I used to send ansaphone messages to myself when Veronica and I weren't talking
Veronica: It's ok hun. I'm here now
Fantana: What kind of messages did you leave
Ron: Oh, you know the usual. Messages of hope. God knows I needed it.
Fantana: Everyday?
Ron: I got addicted
Champ: Addicted?
Ron: Yeah. O.K. I got addicted! To the sound of my OWN voice!! Can't you tell.
Fantana: That's the problem today man too. Loads of people are addicted to the internet now
Champ: Yeah. All those e-mails. That's a lot of silent writing
Fantana: The silence is deafening!
Ron: Well I suppose...you'll hear, slash read them now. But, only in your head?
Brick: I hear voices in my head
Ron: That's your subconciousnesses talking Brick
Chani: It's okay sugarplum I'm here
Brick: Did you hear that?
Ron: What?
Brick: That
Ron: No
Chani: I'm in the salon getting my hair done. We communicate using telepathy. Remember?
Brick: Oh gee, yeah I forgot. Can I lick you?
Fantana: Hey. I heard that.
Ron: So no-one has time? But people still have time to write this stuff down?
Fantana: Yeah
Fantana: It's their attention span it's got shorter like a child's
Ron: What are those?
Veronica: Ron! Walter's listening...
Walter: Dad. Don't tell mom the babysitter's dead...
Ron: Again! That's the third one this week
Champ: I blame the parents...
Fantana: I blame the shark...
Ron: I thought Doby was looking a little bloated
Veronica: Will you stop feeding him my babysitter film!
Champ: She heard that. Slash was that a reference?
Fantana: Are you having trouble reading this...it's a figure of speech
Fantana: Are you having trouble reading this...it's a figure of speech
Ron: I thought it was a joke. I'm going to write that one down in my Diary. Veronica had a
very funny joke today. I'm going to keep on laughing at that one...whatever the time of day
this is.
very funny joke today. I'm going to keep on laughing at that one...whatever the time of day
this is.
Champ: WHAMMY!
...from here on in, it can only get worse x
serial part 2 18/01 & part 1 14/01
...from here on in, it can only get worse x
serial part 2 18/01 & part 1 14/01
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