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The Future is Burgundy |
Peter Griffin: Ron. Say, who is the inventor of tragic comedy?
Ron: Who is the inventor of
tragic comedy?
Peter Griffin: Got you
Ron: I know that..I was only
fooling you too! Say, wasn't it another brit
Peter Griffin : Wasn't it another brit.
There I said it okay!
Lois Griffin: William Shakespeare
Ron: Yep. That's the guy
Peter Griffin: See I told you I knew
Champ: Don't they normally burn that Guy on November 5th? They have really weird
Champ: Don't they normally burn that Guy on November 5th? They have really weird
traditions and I'm not even sure what I'm talking
Brian Griffin: Hey can we get Channel 5
and Tucker out here too!
Lois Griffin:
The Juries out if Shakespeare actually wrote all his plays. Some were
made up
Griffin: You don't say
Lois Griffin: It could have been with
Peter Griffin: Call the Jury back in I
know the answer. Philip Marlowe was a detective. He solved crimes and
'YOU' are a witness or I am a Communist. I'm lying really. I'm a
Lois Griffin: You are not taking this
seriously Peter
Ron: Ed. Nor am I
Peter Griffin: Are you saying he
fabricated his stories? Marlowe would never stoop so low.
Lois Griffin I said Shakespeare stories
could have been a fabrication..by Christopher Marlowe
Peter Griffin: Philip Marlowe changed
his identity! I love this guy. Very clever for a detective...
Brian Griffin: Look he ripped these off
Peter Griffin: Euripedes! Euripedes!
Brian Griffin: Why did you say it three
Peter Griffin: I just felt like
ex-claiming it! Ha ha ha
Brick: Bekekekekek – eke kek
Champ: Now I don't know what
is going on...it all sounds Greek to me
Veronica: Now I know what tragic
comedy is.
Ron: Hey can we get more of
this? Do they do re-runs? All the time you say. Great.
Brian Griffin: Shakespeare passed them
off as his own you know from Marlowe he created another identity! Its
called a psuedonym and I'm really Dan Aykroyd...I'm a ghost writer!
Stewie Griffin: That's not funny
Peter Griffin: Can I do the 'passing
them off' routine now?.....No? No you say. Oh okay.
Stewie Griffin: I'm so laughing at that
one hahahahahahaha look I'm doing cartwheels through a Panda!
Chris Griffin: How's he doing that?
Brian Griffin: With Oreo's
Ron: My sides hurt I'm laughing
so much..this is better than the Flintstones..WILMA!
Peter Griffin: I'm laughing so much the
whole rooms shaking
Brian Griffin: That not the walls...it's an earthquake!
Brian Griffin: That not the walls...it's an earthquake!
Stewie Griffin: The walls aren't
laughing with you
Mel Brooks: See I told you God found it
Brian Griffin: Next you'll be telling
me they have a talking dog in Anchorman too
Baxter: Bark! Bark!
Bark!….Bark! Woof!
Ron: Yes I am the talking
dog...and Ron helps out with the subtitles
Brian Griffin: Yeah, but I bet you
haven't got a dog that can speak and write a blog...cos I can!
Peter Griffin: Say, who's writing this
Stewie Griffin: I'm not falling for
that one. Some artist guy thinks he's funny
Brian Griffin: The Internet, jeez
it's a plagiarisms dream
Griffin: Is he trying to impress someone?
Lois Griffin: He does sound cute
Peter Griffin: Yep Lois really is a middle aged clone of Daphne Blake with less make up...oops
Stewie Griffin: Well he's not
impressing me and I should be impressionable...at my age hhahahahaha
Brian Griffin: Can we knock this one
the head now
Stewie Griffin: Hahahahahahahahahahahha
good one...you rogue
Brian Griffin: What? C'mon...what? What
did I say? Did, did I..did I say something funny?
Lois Griffin: Once people read this
no-one will ever talk to him again
Peter Griffin: Good. Peace and
quiet..the way I like it
Chris Griffin: You've never tried to
impress me Dad
Peter Griffin: Sure I did
Chris Griffin: No you didn't, you gave
me a punch in the mouth
Peter Griffin: Ah yes....that old
cookie. Kept you quiet though.
Is this over...
Fantana: You wouldn't believe
the drone in the White House
Ron: A clone in the White House?
Reagan was cloned...?
…spoke too soon
Cue Griffin bungee jump...back on the
skids **Spoiler Alert**
Peter Griffin: Mmmm...a Clone you
Moon...he was a
Clone oops spoiler!
Oblivion...Tom Cruise he's a Clone oops spoiler...nice Andrew Wyeth
'Christina's world' at the end though, very arty credentials there Tom.
'Christina's world' at the end though, very arty credentials there Tom.
Star Wars II &
III...Clones were traiters, oops spoiler. Sneaky George very
Chris Griffin: Say did the Robot army
and Clones all kiss and make up on Kashyyyk?!
Peter Griffin: Answer that one George!
The Island...both
Clones opps spoiler! A real Logan's Run clone there...
The Hunger Games cloned Running Man but with teenagers and no Arnie
The Hunger Games cloned Running Man but with teenagers and no Arnie
11,12,13...all Clones oops spoiler!
New Superman,
Amazing Spiderman!? Robocop, Total Recall ...all Clones!
Chris Griffin: They were re-makes
Peter Griffin: Still Clones
Seige - Clone oops spoiler of War on Terror no fear!
Chris Griffin: Isn't that the other way? Wot No fear war on terror Cloned the Seige?
Peter Griffin: Oh I see yeah. Yep everything but internment that's Guantanamo
Seige - Clone oops spoiler of War on Terror no fear!
Chris Griffin: Isn't that the other way? Wot No fear war on terror Cloned the Seige?
Peter Griffin: Oh I see yeah. Yep everything but internment that's Guantanamo
Iron Man Clone of
Robocop 2 ie does battle with another armoured dude
Forrest Gump is a
Clone..rip off from ZELIG which is classy and funnier
Woody Allen: Wow gee, I um don't know
what to say to this you know. For all intense and
purposes you're just a cartoon character, with an animated alter ego. I take any true
compliment for sure..who am I to argue with a moronic character
embelished with
credentials that only my uncle would carry around and
those would be in a suitcase and
boy were those heavy suitcases I can
tell you!
To a kid growing up in the bronx I thought
hailing a cab was a dereliction of duty
...you know to walk. All the suits would pin me to the walls and
throw cases of their
cheapest jokes at me. Now that hurt no-one should have to suffer like that. Boy I
to come up with better jokes thick and fast. So I armed myself
with a typewriter. Not
to throw at them you understand I'm risk averse and I have specific damage limitations.
In the end I always carried it around just in case they came back....and boy didn't I
learn to type quick!
Peter Griffin: ...no probs Woody. Love your tactics there. Anyone for a tic-tac?
In the end I always carried it around just in case they came back....and boy didn't I
learn to type quick!
Peter Griffin: ...no probs Woody. Love your tactics there. Anyone for a tic-tac?
...City Slickers
Clone of Stir Crazy and Blazing saddles
Chris Griffin: That's inspired..!?
Peter Griffin: Nope they all wear
cowboy hats!
Chris Griffin: So is Wall-E just a
Clone of E.T. and Short Circuit but smaller?
Peter Griffin: Like an environmental
Chris Griffin: Yeah..that's it
Peter Griffin: All combined and rolled
into one
Chris Griffin: Why didn't R2 just like
tease C3PO...'Hey guess what Annakin built you',
you know that's
Luke's Dad...I mean..he really didn't bother did he?
Peter Griffin: Yeah and Vader didn't
even go – cool 3PO where have you been I've not like
seen you in ages
until now in pieces on that floaty place
Meg Griffin: Excuse me...where am I in
all this?
And we all sing together the Frog
Peter Griffin: You are a complete rip
off from Scoobydoo Velma Dinkley
Brian Griffin: How do you plead?
Meg Griffin: Oh that's funny. What
coming from a talking dog! Scooby Doo Clone!
I am Mila Kunis from that 70's show? Don't you attack me like that or I'll put a curse on you so help me Oz And I'm a better Witch than anyone off Harry Potter I got to be green but...emitted lots of pollution?!
I am Mila Kunis from that 70's show? Don't you attack me like that or I'll put a curse on you so help me Oz And I'm a better Witch than anyone off Harry Potter I got to be green but...emitted lots of pollution?!
Stewie Griffin: How dare you I loved Harry Potter it's magic. And it was directed by the founder of America. Are we
going to do a Harry Potter series can I be Dumbledore!!
Chris Griffin: Like Dumbledore's
Gandalf right that's a clone and the Sword of Gryffindor is the Hobbit Elf Sword..?
Brian Griffin: Just accept it.
Everything is a clone were clones you're a clone...
Peter Griffin: No Chris they are
Wizards and Swords...there's a difference you know
Stewie Griffin: I'm A CLOWN!
Look...look at me I'm a scary Clown, I'm a scary Clown
Brian Griffin: Wow, that's kinda quite
Stewie Griffin: That's because I'm a
Peter Griffin: And back to The Gong
Brian Griffin: You know the real
laugh-in where you don't take yourself too seriously..
Lois Griffin: And not one of those
physcohanalistic factory shows...
Stewie Griffin: Yeah get real people!
Fantana: I do remember the
Popsicle twins very well...
Peter Griffin: Like I said back to the
Gong Show
Ron: Don't tell me the clone legacy of
Reagan is still going...
Champ: No. We've done the Bush
years already
Fantana: Family ties man
Ron: The Bush's were in league?!
Was that our best defense?
Brick: Yep! I taught them all
the best moves and showed them the film 'Best Defense'
Fantana: The first Bush acted on
instinct with an ensemble cast and couldn't be bothered to finish the job the second acted on impulse with
an ensemble of an excuse and botched the job. But give him credit he stayed off the drink
Champ: Just like Reagan then.
What a guy.
Jim Carrey: What playing dumb?
Veronica: Is there a pattern
here? Have we missed something as reporters?
Jim Carrey: What playing Dumb
and Dumber?!
Ron: Lets get back to the
future here too. Next you'll be telling me you can 'Surf Vietnam' and
it's $50 for coke...
Fanatana: Yeah – we don't
even have to wait til 2015!!
Champ: WHAMMY!
Veronica: It's romantic.
Ordinary Love hun. U2 are a rock band. (The conversation about U2 spy planes really did drift didn't it)
Ron: You know I'm a 'ron brand'
I have s.t.a.t.u.s you know I'm a big deal
Fontana: Don't you love the ways
of love?
Brick: l'amour
Ron: The Ways of Love. It's the
rule book!
Fantana: Are
we going to smoke shag now?
Ron: God
bless Colin Wilson and those shag pile carpets
Veronica: Stop
it Ron. You know thats when you're s.t.a.t.u.s. rises...
Isn't that for Part 'X'?
'10' I loved that film!
That would be X-rated! Whammy...
This isn't funny? I thought 'X' never marked the spot?!
(whispers) I've got butterflies
Champ: RIP Colin Wilson. You
know Ron, we should read that book together. I'm you're
biggest follower.
Ron: Say whaaat?!
Fantana: It's ideal for
Valentine's Day...
Ron: ...or
VD-Day as I like to call it. Champs very clingy today isn't he.
Ron: It's got those same words
in it. Is Bowie back from Mars now? And I may not be a rocket
scientist but if Man has not flown to the red planet by now surely
our 'Curiousity' will get us there eventually...
NASA : Cue everyone just lifting up
their arms...in shmuck amazement
Veronica: And I think they used
the cover to l'amour as inspiration
Ron: Here let me have a look? Which way up is it?
Ron: Here let me have a look? Which way up is it?
Chani: I love Mary Poppins I
don't need an umbrella to fly
Brick: I love you slush puppy
Champ: I love you
guys....especially you Ron
Fantana: Okay. Lets do this
parcel thing now. Sit down Champ...Champ sit!
Ron: Pass the parcel!
Veronica: Is it a present?
Brick: Like at a birthday
Champ: NO...it's in the
Fantana: In the present tense.
Ron: We'll open it all
Fantana: As a team
Champ: Hell...as the Anchor
Team. Lets hank these handles of joy
Ron: You
Top Dogs. Lets face it we ARE the 'A' Team.
1983, a crack Anchorteam unit was sent to prison by a military court
for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a
maximum security stockade to the San Diego underground. Today, still
wanted by the government, they survive as Newsmen of Fortune. If you
have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them,
maybe you can hire the A-Team.'
I knew getting back to Walters Piano recital was going to come at a
I like it
Baracus: Hey Sucka's I am the A-Team!!
Canny, I like that...but not that much
(piloting a helicopter) Hey
can we go now I gotta fly?
Baracus: Hey! You know I don't like flying
Fantana: Well, Brick here has a
Ron: Check out the duplicator
Banda machine...it's a crack
(ten minutes later at the
Ditto Thanks...I can fly much better
Baracus: Look, see I've made a paper aeroplane and I'm flying,
I'm flying the FOOL!
Ron: I love Banda's! Go print
go. Burgundy publishers I like it. Pure poetry
Brick: I love...Pandas!
Fanatana: I love a good crack
Champ: WHAMMY!
...as it twas written. I'm in another dimension..play close attention
4th Feb (part6 episode1) 28thJanuary (part5) 24th (part4) 22nd part3) 18th (part2) 14th (part1)
...as it twas written. I'm in another dimension..play close attention
4th Feb (part6 episode1) 28thJanuary (part5) 24th (part4) 22nd part3) 18th (part2) 14th (part1)
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